Our normal FORGE youth nights from 5 pm - 7 pm will be on:
A normal night consists of:
45 minutes of games/activities
30 minutes of dinner
45 minutes of scripture, teaching, prayer and worship
A normal night consists of:
45 minutes of games/activities
30 minutes of dinner
45 minutes of scripture, teaching, prayer and worship

St James Holt is a growing local church in West Belconnen. Each week we have 20-30 children and
young people involved in Sunday Worship. They represent 25-30% of our weekly congregation. Our aim is to grow an accepting and vibrant Christian community that allows young people to grow in faith and helps more young people hear about, and have an opportunity to follow Jesus Christ. We would like to extend an invitation to the youth at your churches to join us Sunday nights fortnightly to learn more about God and his love for us.